REGO für Fotografen

Ich selbst nutze REGO mit zunehmender Begeisterung. Zur Verwendung für fotografische Aufgabenstellungen hier ein Blogeintrag von Aaron Stanley auf :
This article is a brief review of Rego for iPhone and how it pertains specifically to photographers. For a full review of features, visit
That little cafe you found. Those remote hikes. That special vacation.
With Rego, you’ll never forget a place again.Rego, “The Place for All Your Places,” hit the iTunes App Store today and I’m officially in love. It facilitates a fast and easy way to capture, save and share your favorite locations. You could even take it a step further in saying that it helps you capture your favorite moments as they relate to a specific location, though it is not a journal by any means. So what is it, exactly? I call it “location bookmarking” and it’s super-helpful for photographers – especially those who shoot landscapes and/or travel.
Rego let’s you easily bookmark a location, whether you are physically in that location or not, using maps and pins – kind of like Google Maps. If you are physically visiting a location you want to remember or share, just launch the app, tap the + icon, give it a name and save. Done. If you are not physically at the location, you can use Rego to find it on the map, drop a pin and follow the same process. Once you have saved a location, you can add photographs or notes for greater detail – though there’s no obligation to do so. So how does this benefit photogs? Glad you asked.
Have you ever been driving with a friend and spotted a sweet landscape you want to shoot one day, maybe when the light falls better? Maybe hiking somewhere with your wife, but didn’t bring your favorite camera to capture the surprising views afforded by the trails? Perhaps you’ve traveled to a new city for work, with little time for leisure, but you’d like to return to shoot a landmark building in all of its glory? If you have Rego, you can save all of those items and refer back to them later, when appropriate. You can even open the map in Google or Apple Maps for directions back to the location. To make things better, you can create collections to organize your locations by topic, city etc. Whatever works for you.
Here’s another use – I have about 9 locations, near and around Baltimore, that I like to return to several times a year to photograph. I think they are real gems for photographers and therefore, places I also like to share with others. With Rego, I have saved them all to a collection called “Photo Destinations, MD.” Any of those 9 locations can be easily shared with a friend or fellow photographer looking to catch some nice views near by. I’ll show you how easy it is – here’s my collection:
Baltimore Inner Harbor
Patterson Park Pagoda
Ocean City Shoreline
Amtrak Susquehanna River Bridge
Double Rock Mini Falls
Mariner Point Park
Domino Sugars Factory
Loch Raven Reservoir
Kilgore FallsFor each I’ve attached a photograph and – where appropriate – a note so that any photographer I share these locations with, has a fair idea what they can expect to capture, and any details they may find helpful. If any of these links are opened using an iPhone, with Rego installed, you can save the location from mobile Safari straight to the app. Easy-peasy.
For travellers, Rego is a life saver.
Create a collection for your trip and add the places you plan to visit. Plan your itinerary by checking how far everything is from your hotel. And while there, use Rego to capture your trip in photos and notes. Yep—even without a data connection. No roaming charges!
I’ve already created a collection for this sort of thing. In April, I am traveling to Cincinnati, OH for a conference and while I am there, I want to make the best use of my time as a tourist/photographer. So I’ve taken the time in advance to research the locations I want to shoot within walking distance of my hotel and saved them to a collection in Rego. In a separate collection, I have saved all of the places I’d like to visit for leisure or recreation while I am there. Itinerary, done.
If you’re a photographer who loves to travel and/or share your favorite places to shoot, Rego is definitely worth a go. Right now, you can download Rego for free on the App Store and add up to ten places before being prompted to upgrade. It’s a clever way of implementing a sort of try-before-you-buy model – one that I find very gracious and considerate of its users. The upgrade will only cost you $0.99 USD during the launch sale, but will increase to $2.99 in the coming weeks. Do yourself a favor, forego the coffee today and buy this app. I think you’re gonna love it.